Choices and Asset Protection

choices and asset protectionOur mission is to provide you with choices and asset protection in the event of a chronic illness or injury by using long-term care insurance. We do this by helping you figure out which type of long-term care insurance that is best for you and your uniques circumstance.

Right choices become easier to make

It is a lot easier to make decisions when you are using someone else’s money. When you are not thinking, “How much is it going to cost me?”, it is easier to make the right choices. On the other hand, when you are paying for care, the cost of services may become a factor.

Think about this

Let’s say you own your own home and have plenty of money in the bank. What would you do if your home burnt to the ground and you had no fire insurance? Would you build the exact same home? Would you replace everything you lost with the exact same thing? That’s a tough decision when you are paying full price, dollar for dollar to replace things.

That’s why most people, even if they have a mortgage-free home, are willing to pay for homeowners insurance. With most homeowners’ insurance, the house and everything could be replaced using someone else’s money.

Penny’s not Dollars

The premium for Long-term care insurance, like life, home or auto insurance, cost pennies on the dollar compared to the ultimate benefit you might collect. So if you find yourself needing care in your, home community or at a facility, you do not necessarily need to deplete your assets to pay for your care. You can protect your self from asset drain using someone else’s money.

In conclusion

Long-term care insurance premiums are usually significantly less than the actual cost of care. Long-term care insurance can provide you with choices and asset protection that you may not have without it.


If you have any questions about long-term care insurance or just need a little guidance, feel free to contact us. We know long-term care insurance can be confusing, so it is important to get the facts before you make any long-term decision.

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